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A Close Look at Yellow and Lassa Hemorrhagic Fevers


Ghana sits in between countries that are considered breeding grounds or “hot spots” for two hemorrhagic fevers – Lassa and Yellow fevers. As the risk for infection is considerable, it’s important to know the symptoms of these two diseases and how they can be transmitted.

Prevention is better than cure. It’s best to be armed with knowledge on how infection can be avoided so you don’t have to look for health assistance when the symptoms have already set in.

First, let’s take a look at Yellow Fever. Of the two, Yellow fever is potentially easy to transmit from one human being to another human being. That’s because its vector is a mosquito, belonging to the Aedes or Haemagogus families.

On the other hand, Lassa fever is transmitted through the feces or urine of rodents. People can contract the virus from drinking contaminated water, or eating infected food.

Both fevers share common symptoms, including weakness and fatigue, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and headaches. Of course, a sudden onset of high fever is a classic symptom of these diseases.

To avoid infection, health care services in Africa recommend that families keep their abode clean, and for communities to keep their communal areas free of contaminants. Food must be kept covered to avoid contact with rodents, while stagnant water must be thrown out to avoid mosquito breeding.

If you’re experiencing the symptoms above and would like to get checked, call us at Perfect Hands Clinic for an appointment. Our medical clinic in Ghana, Africa is equipped with the necessary diagnostic equipment to find out if you have Lassa or Yellow fever, so you can be treated immediately.

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